Tuesday, August 14, 2012

P&G Loves Moms

Like so many people out there, I watched the Olympics these past two weeks.  I particularly like the diving, swimming, track, and for the first time, I got into gymnastics and beach volley ball.  All of this sports watching got me thinking, what sports do I hope Isaac plays?

Well, gymnastics and diving would be great to watch, but let's face it, a central Vermonter with no gymnastics or diving teams around he isn't going to make it far.  Soccer and basketball are accessible, but I'm going to admit something.  I don't think I'd want to watch match after really long soccer and basketball match.  And that's what it would take to get my picture on those P&G commercials.  Long, grueling hours of driving to practices and sitting through games in order to get my little boy to thank me on that podium for all of my hard work.  *sniff*

But, then this happened:  he fell.  And he fell hard.  Being mother of the year and all, I said, "Don't rush over, he's okay," to my mom who jumped up off of the couch.  Then, my little baby boy screamed a scream, and he looked at me, and he had a black and blue egg right over his a-moment-ago-perfect blue eye the size of a, well, egg.

At that moment I thought to myself, "Self, you are the world's worst mother".  You see, my little guy was hurt, and I didn't react.  In fact, I non-reacted.  I did the opposite of react.  And what was I thinking about at the time?  Getting my face on a P&G commercial.

And, if a bump, no matter how big or small is going to send me for a loop, then how am I going to deal with all of those late night games and driving ordeals?  I'm just not strong enough to be the mother of an Olympian.  I guess I'm going to have to find another dream to dream.