Saturday, January 22, 2011

All By Myself...

Okay, so this could come across as sad, but it's not. Nope. Not bothered by it at all.

Tonight for dinner I made some super yummy cod. I put a little bit of butter in a pan, then poured in a bit of lemon juice. Then, the cod fillet went in...a little salt, pepper, parsley, and dill. I put it on low, covered it, and waited for it to begin to fall apart. I love it when meals a that easy. No timer. No temperature. No measureing. It's one of the reasons I don't love to bake the way I love to cook.

Then, on the side I had a nice big salad with carrot, red onion, some sharp cheddar, and a bit of that ham from the other day. I made a maple-mustard-balsamic vinegrette...and voila!...I had a fabulous dinner.

The cod was super delicate and flavorful. It tasted like butter and lemon. I love fish and seafood so much. It's the last meat group I would get rid of in the world...if I had to get rid of meat. Poultry would definately be the first. Anyway...

Why was I all by myself in this fabulous meal you might ask? Well, it wasn't that Kevin was gone for the night partying or building homes for the less fortunate. Nope, he was sitting next to me eating his wonderful meal, too. A pizza. A sausage pizza with a nice thick crust. And I'm totally okay with that. Because I had my fish. Yup. Totally okay. Not bothered or anything.

Well...maybe a little.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I got to go home early from school today because of the snow and ice. Getting home was a bit sketchy, but there weren't really any other freaks on the road, so I just pointed the Element in the general direction and hoped for the best.

When I got home I thought to myself, "Self, you have some time to actually make something for dinner." So, I baked a ham and cooked the crap out of some kale. When Kevin got home, the house smelled like I'd been cooking all day, which I kind of had, but really it was the oven that was cooking. I just sat on the couch and watched The Talk for the first time and got a whole lot of credit.

This meal is so easy that my cats could make it. I put the ham in the oven, stuck it with the thermometer, set it to 325, and then set the thermometer to go off at 132. See? Simple.

The kale was just as easy. I put a piece of bacon all cut up in the bottom of a pot. Cut up the curly kale, put that in with a little water, spilled in a little apple cider vinegar and grated some fresh nutmeg on top and then sprinkled a little bit of kosher salt. Then, I put it on the stove on low and cooked the crap out of it.

So, two parts to this meal--two different types of pig. Now, I need to say that I know this meal, while high in iron, was not healthy. Yup. I'm well aware. I think that if someone was to take my cholesterol right now they would think I was an 88 year old man who had eaten nothing but Big Macs for my whole life. But, as you may know, I have tried to eat more healthy recently, but this gestational diabetes thing is getting the best of me. My whole wheat tortilla kicked my sugar-ass last night. It seems like when I try to eat anything other than a straight protein on top of a salad (which was a streak I had for about a month) that my sugar goes crazy. OR...I can be on the Atkins diet. And, with only a month left of this...I've made the decision to go with Atkins. Maybe bad...but you know what? I am 8 months pregnant, and I have lost weight in the last two months.

Blather, blather, blather. The point? I hope to get back to a normal diet soon, begin to enjoy the food I eat again, and get back to my normal me.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I have chosen to experiment with this diabetes diet. And, I've done that with none other than the no-good, horrible, very bad tortilla. Yup. They are surprisingly high in those pesky carbohydrates. But...maybe, just maybe...a whole wheat one will work. We'll find out in two hours.

So, for the first time in a long time, I had a device other than lettuce to bring food to my mouth. Think about it. We have edible devices. Pasta. Rice. Tortilla. Bread. Crust. They are all, at best, tasty little devices for getting the real meal into our mouths. Who picks the tortilla when they can have the fajita fixings? Or the bread when they can have the peanut butter and jelly? I had never thought about it before this whole thing.

Did I mention that as soon as this pregnancy is done, the midwives get the Culinary Institute chef's truffles and give me one. Yup. Baby out. Truffle in. Just saying. It's that easy.

Anyway, I smooshed some avocado with some lime juice and salt, spread it on my whole wheat tortilla, sprinkled some really ripe tomato, put on some nice cheddar (no, not traditional, but it's what we had), got some sauteed onions and a little bit of black beans on there and topped it off with some fresh cilantro. And that was dinner.

Here's hoping I won't be cursing any sort of god of carbohydrates or anything like that. I liked my edible device this evening.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Butter & Flour

Today was Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) in the house. Kevin was very excited for the thawing of the leftover Thanksgiving turkey. We bought some turkey broth for gravy, and we had all of the vegetables we needed.

So, in order to stick to traditional male and female roles (oh, yeah, we love those) Kevin went outside to snowblow the driveway while I cooked dinner. And, it seems like it all started with butter and flour.

A steamed head of cauliflower inspired me to make a cheese sauce. And what does a cheese sauce start with? Butter and flour. I used whole wheat flour in order to protect my ever annoying sugar numbers. A little butter in the pan until it was melty and bubbling, then a good sprinkle of the flour to make the roux. I cooked that off until it was nice and thick and smelled good. After that I added some milk until it was the consistency of a thick soup. And then, the star, some sharp Cabot cheddar. After that, salt, pepper, and a little nutmeg. Yummy. The cauliflower and cheese sauce into a cast iron skillet with a sprinkle of panko on top. In the oven at 425 until the rest of dinner was ready. It was good. Really good. I'm thinking about making it again pretty much every night.

Then, I put some Brussels sprouts on to steam. Sorry. False advertising in the everything started with flour and butter department. But, I did finish them with some olive oil and salt. Oh well.

The turkey gravy though did start with that same butter and flour to make a roux. After that, I slowly poured in the turkey gravy until it was a very thin soup. Then, lots of pepper. Lots and lots of pepper. I love a peppery gravy. After that, I put the turkey in the gravy bath and let it simmer until it was warm again.

This is not a healthy meal, you may say. Nope. Sauces and sauces and butter and flour. Nope. Not healthy. But, one of the things I've learned from my doctors is that I need to worry more about my sugars for at least another six weeks and less about me cholesterol. Yeah, we had two vegetables. But a cheese sauce and a gravy. Oh well. Me and Atkins. We're buddies for six more weeks. Then, bring on the french fries for a little while.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Red Hot Chicken

I swear, I've eaten since October.

A change I've gone through since then though is that I've developed gestational diabetes, which is no fun at all for a person who likes to cook. I feel stiffled by my diet, and food just hasn't been at all fun. But...I do eat. Just not what I always would like to eat.

In my mind, tonight I had some really good french fries with some great garlic aoli. Then, there was a crispy fried white fish and I washed it down with a nice pint of Guiness. Yup. That was my mind's eye meal. It was good.

What did I actually eat? Well, I had some chicken which I baked with just a little salt on my pizza stone. I love my pizza stone. I can cook anything on it, and it doesn't matter. Everything turns out well. I think I need to buy a stone dish with sides so that I can start cooking things which would run over the flat pizza stone surface. Anyway, back to the actual meal--otherwise known as the reason you've continued to read.

I tossed this cooked chicken in a mixture of melted butter and Frank's Red Hot Wing Sauce. It ended up being a bit too hot for me, so I cut it with a little ranch dressing, but Kevin ate it right down.

On the side of that, we had a crunchy green salad and cucumbers. Unfortunately, since it's winter the salads haven't been as good and the cucumbers all have that wax on them, so I have to peel them. I hate touching that wax; it gives me the heeby-jeebies. We also had some thin slices of tomatoes with mozzerella, olive oil, and sprinkled with salt, pepper, and dried basil.

So, that was my dinner. Tomorrow? Who knows.