Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Mother Thinks I'm Killing My Baby

I turned out alright. I mean, I don't NEED therapy.

Thus, my mother believes I should raise the Little Guy the same way she raised me. Hmmmm...

We do some things the same.

She used cloth diapers, and I am doing the same. Admittedly, she thinks I'm crazy and only wants to put him in disposables when she's babysitting, but that's not the point, right?

We both believe that the Little Guy shouldn't be watching too much TV--especially at his age. Admittedly, I have never sat him down in front of the TV (yet) as a babysitter. And she has. A lot. But again, we're the same, right?

We both don't believe in the "cry-it-out" method. I can't just leave my little baby in his crib to scream. He could be scared or hurt. Until he has language, I can't do it. Admittedly, Mom sent me a link to a "cry-it-out- site. But again...we're doing some things the same, right?

That might be it for what we do the same.

The Little Guy sleeps on his back. He doesn't use blankets. We don't keep stuffed animals in the crib. He doesn't ride in a car--no matter how short the distance...without being in a car seat. We're waiting until he's six months old to introduce solid foods. I didn't have a baby shower. All of his clothes and toys are gifts, and mostly hand-me-downs. She thinks we're crazy, but she accepts these things. Because we're the parents. We get to decide. She's good like that.

But...who doesn't think it's a little bit fun to poke the bear?

I read some articles about introducing spices to the baby food you make your child. This sent my mom right to crazy town and back.

The Boy and I love to eat all foods. And, I love to cook. So, when I made this chicken curry last night, I said to him, "I think when Little Guy starts eating, I can just put these carrots and sweet potatoes right in the food processor. I can cook them with the chicken, get a little of that yummy chicken goodness into them, a little carmelization, and that curry spice...and then zip them up and feed them to him. Of course, this is all after he's eaten sweet potatoes and carrots on their own. We're not totally crazy.

My point? I want my son to love food as much as I do. And, sometimes it's okay to not do things just like your mom did them. Even if I did turn out pretty okay.